Taste Cheshire Food & Drink Festival


We bring to you some fo the most asked questions we get about the festival!

Yes, we welcome your delightful dogs on the Festival site but we ask that you keep them under control at all times.

All fouling should be picked up and disposed of accordingly.

From 11am onwards there are demonstrations slots throughout the day. Click on to our Chefs page for the full line up

Have you checked your spam or junk folders? They may be there. If you haven’t seen yours they may be sneakily hiding. If after searching these places you still haven’t found them, please get in touch so we can investigate. Best way is via email info@chesterfoodanddrink.co.uk

Yes, the racecourse is set up beautifully with large seating areas, some open, some shaded so whatever the weather, you can sit and enjoy your food. The majority of the event is under cover so don’t worry if it rains.

PARKING on site is weather dependent however 


If the weather is kind there will be parking available on the Roodee plus thereare several large car parks located in a short walking distance from the event – Little Roodee, Saddlery Way, New Crane Street and Linenhall Car parks for example.

ABSOLUTELY, Children under 5 go free. Under 16’s are just £1. We offer kids cooking classes which you can sign up for with no additional charge. 

The entire festival is buggy accessible AND we are more than happy for you to pop back to the car to get anything you need and come back into the festival….we’ve all been there!

At this stage it is too early to say if we will have extra precautions put in place for the 2023 event, we will be following government guidance relevant to the times. We are aware the event can get crowded so we still want people to feel comfortable by wearing a face mask but it is your own personal choice.

Hand sanitiser stations will be placed at points all around the festival.

Increased regular cleaning will take place and additional staff have been recruited for the event to help keep you safe

If you have any questions or concerns about our COVID policies and risk assessments, please do not hesitate to get in touch with festival organisers. info@chesterfoodanddrink.co.uk

Yes, the food and drink festival is wheelchair and buggy friendly. Priority is given to disabled guests parking on the hard standing. Please bring a blue badge.